The Calderdale Memory Group is a time-limited support, information and activity group for people affected by a diagnosis of early-stage dementia. This paper will discuss the development of the Calderdale Memory Group in the context of local and wider dementia care service provision. The role of such nonpharmacological interventions is discussed in relation to the literature, and with reference to Tom Kitwood’s (1997) ‘new culture’ of dementia care. There have been many attempts to cater to the needs of patients and caregivers. Historically their needs have been treated separately. This paper proposes that in early-stage dementia support, education and the maintenance and strengthening of relationships are vital. Additionally this paper outlines the ongoing qualitative evaluation of the group.
How to Cite
Carek, V., (2005) “Supporting Each Other - The Calderdale Memory Group”, Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Research and Practice 2(2). doi: https://doi.org/10.5920/mhldrp.2005.22124