Previous research into the use of information by social care workers has revealed low levels of information usage due to factors such as lack of time, high case loads and a history of limited information use. This study examines the role and level/types of information used by mental health social workers in Leeds and Wakefield with particular relation to the early intervention approach in psychosis. A postal questionnaire was sent to mental health social workers in social services departments in Wakefield and Leeds to determine awareness of the early intervention approach, information use and attitudes towards mental health promotion and information literacy training. The results indicate a high level of awareness of mental health promotion, the early intervention approach and the importance of information as a support tool within this approach. However awareness is restricted by limited access to information sources due to time constraints, poor information and communication technology provision, and a lack of information culture in the parent organisations. The conclusions identify further areas for study and make recommendations for improving information literacy training in this professional area.
How to Cite
Morgan, J. & Rankin, C., (2006) “Early Intervention and Information Use by Mental Health Social Workers”, Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Research and Practice 3(2). doi: https://doi.org/10.5920/mhldrp.2006.32143