This paper reviews the literature pertaining to the practice and experience of restraint and seclusion in inpatient psychiatric settings. These are physical practices typically used by nursing staff in order to manage violence within such services. The available quantitative literature demonstrates the variability in the prevalence of the practices and attitudes towards them. Qualitative research has focussed on then experience of the practices and the different but largely negative impacts they have. Many of these qualitative studies produce interesting and valuable findings; however the literature does not account for the role that language may play in constructing the experience and meaning of the practices for those involved. This and other limitations in the research are described and direction for further research indicated.
How to Cite
Isherwood, T., (2006) “Restraint and Seclusion in Services for People with Mental Health Problems and Learning Disabilities: A Literature Review”, Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Research and Practice 3(2). doi: https://doi.org/10.5920/mhldrp.2006.32127