Despite an increasing trend of service user involvement in psychiatric research, few studies involving the recipients of secure care, or individuals with learning disability, were identified. It was argued that service users with learning disabilities detained in a secure hospital setting were an important source of information about the care they received. It was predicted that this group would provide a valid and useful account of their experiences and that concerns would be raised in similar areas to those that have been reported in other groups of service users. These included concerns relating to environmental conditions, therapeutic activities, quality of available information about care, and concerns relating to living with others. Seven service users completed a semi-structured interview about their experiences of the care that they received. Data were analysed using content analysis in order to derive a series of key themes whilst acknowledging the individuality of participants’ experiences. Themes were identified relating to two areas: Detention and Treatment. Findings supported predictions that individuals with learning disability could give valid views about their treatment. There was overlap between the findings of this research and previous studies considering views of mental health/forensic and learning disabled service users.
qualitative, service user involvement, low secure, forensic, Learning disability
How to Cite
Wood, H., Thorpe, L., Read, S., Eastwood, A. & Lindley, M., (2008) “Service User Satisfaction in a Low Secure Forensic Learning Disability Unit?”, Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Research and Practice 5(2). doi: https://doi.org/10.5920/mhldrp.2008.52176